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Making a Better Christianity Today: An Update
In March, we published on harassment reports at CT. Here are the steps we’ve taken since then.
Where the Unborn Are People
Churches are bearing better witness to life beyond its “potential.”
Abuso en la iglesia: lo que podemos aprender del camino a Jericó
No fue a los ladrones a quienes Jesús reprendió en la parábola del buen samaritano. Fue a los líderes religiosos.
Cómo debemos responder los cristianos tras la anulación del caso ‘Roe’
Una respuesta fiel a la decisión de la Corte Suprema debe incluir nuevas prácticas de atención y cuidado.
How to Greet the End of ‘Roe’
Faithful responses to the Supreme Court decision should involve new care practices.
Abuse in the Church and the Road to Jericho
It wasn't the robbers Jesus castigated in the Parable of the Good Samaritan. It was the religious leaders.
Don’t Make the Church Leadership Crisis Worse
We need to renew our spiritual imaginations amid the spiritual-abuse reckoning.
We Fell Short in Protecting Our Employees
How one organization—our own—got it wrong in responding to sexual harassment. And how we can do better.
We’re Not Mad Enough at Death
Dying is a fact of life. It’s also the enemy we’re called to resist.
Visitors to Those in Prison Are Getting Screened Out
Video calls can supplement but should never supplant visits with incarcerated people.
The Antidote to Celebrity Church Is Mere Church
We need to rediscover worship that works without our help.
We Are All Baptists Now—So Let’s Not Fight Like It
American democracy and democratized Christianity face a similar crisis of disunity.
The Church Has Helped to Heal Those It Once Hurt
We can imitate those in Acts 6 who responded to the needs of neglected and oppressed women.
Christian College Boards: Stay Strong on Sexual Ethics
CCCU schools are facing intense pressure. But it’s an opportunity, not a siege.
Why All The Concern Over Carbon?
US climate commitments at the Earth Day summit signal an urgency Christians should support for eschatological as well as ecological reasons.
Back Without a Bang: Returning to Church Won’t Be the Celebration We Once Imagined
Instead of a big party, reopenings bring mixed emotions and a call to everyday faithfulness.
The Splintering of the Evangelical Soul
Why we’re coming apart, and how we might come together again.

Top Story June 13, 2024

Southern Baptists’ Nuanced Divides on Display at Annual Meeting
Southern Baptists’ Nuanced Divides on Display at Annual Meeting
From a wider slate of six candidates, president Clint Pressley takes the “strange honor” of leading the convention’s growing factions toward missional unity.

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